Articles on: Resources

Internal resources of Knowmore Platform

Knowmore Platform provides several resources internally to help work on projects go smoothly.
These are only for available approved designers allocated to projects.

What are these resources?

SlideHub platform:
SlideHub platform is PowerPoint add-in developed by our company that enables our clients and now also our designers to access all of our productivity tools including:
Inspiration slides
Icons and flags
Images and illustrations
KnowMore slides - section containing our training materials
All active designers and new designers that have reached Level 2 will receive an invitation to this platform via e-mail. To learn more about the SlideHub platform visit the following articles section.

SlideHub macro tool:
SlideHub macro tool is a solution for many design struggles that are hard to solve or require many actions. This macro can do many things with just 1 or 2 clicks. For example:
Make round shape curves consistent - top 1 issue designers can't solve without this Macro tool or other tools
Convert tables to shapes
Split text lines into separate boxes
Manage consistency of titles
Delete content checker report notes
Advanced alignment and spacing tools
Add option or comment stickers in KnowMore format
And much more!
All active designers and new designers that have reached Level 2 will receive an invitation to this platform via e-mail. To learn more about the SlideHub Macro visit the following article.

Content checker:
Double check your files for content mistakes efficiently with this tool
To learn more about the Content Checker tool visit this article.

Clean up tool:
This tool deletes the Content checker comment boxes from your file
To learn more about the Clean up tool visit this article.

These tools and resources are here to help you do better work, we trust you shall find them useful!

Updated on: 22/05/2024

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