Articles on: Resources

Client's guidelines section tool

In order to make the most out of our platform, it is very important to understand the utility of the client's guidelines section tool.
This section provides you with files you can study to improve your performance in your own time. This way you do not have to rush learning during live projects.

The section consist of the following 3 parts:

1. Recent Lorem Ipsum files

The Lorem Ipsum file is a file that our admins sent to client as final delivery. You can compare this file to the file that you have delivered to see what additional edits admins did to your slides. Comparing these files is one of the best ways to improve your work.
The Lorem Ipsum file does not contain any of the client’s content anymore due to confidential reasons and all the text has been replaced be “Xxxxx” but you can still see alignments, colours settings and other edits admins performed.
In this section, you will be able to check these files for your most recent projects.

2. Your active accounts

Here you can find materials of clients you worked for in the last 2 months.
This way you can revisit their guidelines, study them and improve your understanding of the detailed guidelines rules without the pressure of doing this during live projects.

3. Your dedicated clients

On our platform every designer can become a dedicated designer to certain clients.
When you have dedicated clients their guidelines are always available for you to study in this section.
This way we expect that you study materials of your dedicated clients carefully and as a reward for understanding the client deeply you receive a priority to work on their tasks.
You can as well see the latest update messages for this client we send out when we update guidelines or other client´s materials.

Updated on: 20/01/2023

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