SlideHub Macro
At KnowMore Platform, we're dedicated to empowering designers like you to enhance your skills and efficiency. That's why we've developed this Macro tool, intended to enrich your designer arsenal and accelerate your workflow. We're excited about the possibilities it offers and hope it becomes a valuable asset in your toolkit.
It is a solution for many design struggles that are hard to solve or require many actions. This macro can do many things with just 1 or 2 clicks. For example:
Make round shape curves consistent - top 1 issue designers can't solve without this Macro tool or other tools
Convert tables to shapes
Split text lines into separate boxes
Manage consistency of titles
Delete content checker report notes
Advanced alignment and spacing tools
Add option or comment stickers in KnowMore format
And much more!
Once designer passes whole application process and becomes Level 2 designer, an automatic email containing Macro tool download link is sent out.
Please always check email connected to your KnowMore account and check also your spam folder and/or try to whitelist our email so you can receive all important updates.
In case you did not receive Macro tool email even after checking all the folders, feel free to let us know at and we will resend the email again.
IMPORTANT: Please do not share this tool with others, it is only for your personal use on KnowMore projects. The usage of the tool is tracked and unauthorized sharing of this tool will lead to banishment from the KM platform.
To understand how to install the Macro and how to use the tools provided in it please watch the following 2 videos below. As the tool was developed over a long time the second video describes newly added features and updates. To know all the features you need to watch both videos.
1st video update:
2nd follow up video update:
The Macro also contains some specific tools for our admins - those you can ignore.

Creates a custom shape at the center of the slide where you can put your comments.

Creates a custom Speech bubble shape at the center of the slide where you can put your comments.

Creates a custom shape at the top right corner of the slide that has "Option" in it.

Creates a rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Creates a rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Creates a curved rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Creates a red rectangle between two shapes.
For creating new column, or
For measurement purposes

Creates a red rectangle between two shapes.
For creating new column, or
For measurement purposes

Select on the slides you wanted to apply this function to.
Works also on grouped shapes

Select the shape you wanted to use as reference to the grid lines, then click on this button.

Splits shape into multiple parts retaining the content and current format

Copies the angle of the last selected process arrow

Copies the angle of the last selected process arrow

Select the table you wanted to convert into shapes

Clears texts on the selected shapes

Divides the texts into separate shapes per paragraph or bullet points

Compresses the selected paragraphs or shapes into Multiple: 0.9pt

Resets the condensed/expanded texts

Copies the formatting of the Title from specific slide, and then apply to selected slides.

The offline version of the platform's Clean Up tool. Deletes all the CC notes from the Content Checker tool.

The common alignment tools in PowerPoint

Align objects along their edges.

Stretch objects to fill the space in between

Stretch the edge of all selected objects to the edge of last selected (reference) object.

Copies the width/height of the reference object.

Shortcut to textbox properties
Eraser tool is to clear texts

Shortcut to manage textbox margins
Reset Margin is to automatically set the usual margin we use
Remove Margin is to set 0 to all margins

Automatically changes colors of objects and texts
The can icon is to delete recent custom colors used
What does this tool do?
It is a solution for many design struggles that are hard to solve or require many actions. This macro can do many things with just 1 or 2 clicks. For example:
Make round shape curves consistent - top 1 issue designers can't solve without this Macro tool or other tools
Convert tables to shapes
Split text lines into separate boxes
Manage consistency of titles
Delete content checker report notes
Advanced alignment and spacing tools
Add option or comment stickers in KnowMore format
And much more!
How to get the Macro tool
Once designer passes whole application process and becomes Level 2 designer, an automatic email containing Macro tool download link is sent out.
Please always check email connected to your KnowMore account and check also your spam folder and/or try to whitelist our email so you can receive all important updates.
In case you did not receive Macro tool email even after checking all the folders, feel free to let us know at and we will resend the email again.
IMPORTANT: Please do not share this tool with others, it is only for your personal use on KnowMore projects. The usage of the tool is tracked and unauthorized sharing of this tool will lead to banishment from the KM platform.
Videos explaining the Macro and usage cases of specific tools
To understand how to install the Macro and how to use the tools provided in it please watch the following 2 videos below. As the tool was developed over a long time the second video describes newly added features and updates. To know all the features you need to watch both videos.
1st video update:
2nd follow up video update:
Task pane overview
The Macro also contains some specific tools for our admins - those you can ignore.

Tools overview - Design tools (1. view)

Insert Comment
Creates a custom shape at the center of the slide where you can put your comments.

Insert Dialog Comment
Creates a custom Speech bubble shape at the center of the slide where you can put your comments.

Insert Option Note
Creates a custom shape at the top right corner of the slide that has "Option" in it.

Add Edge-Vertical
Creates a rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Add Edge-Horizontal
Creates a rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Add Curved Edge
Creates a curved rectangle at the beginning of the selected shape

Add Shape in Between (H)
Creates a red rectangle between two shapes.
For creating new column, or
For measurement purposes

Add Shape in Between (V)
Creates a red rectangle between two shapes.
For creating new column, or
For measurement purposes

Make Rounded Shapes Consistent in the Selected Slides
Select on the slides you wanted to apply this function to.
Works also on grouped shapes

Add Gridlines Around the Shape
Select the shape you wanted to use as reference to the grid lines, then click on this button.

Split shape
Splits shape into multiple parts retaining the content and current format

Align process arrows
Copies the angle of the last selected process arrow

Align boxes below process arrows
Copies the angle of the last selected process arrow

Convert to Shapes
Select the table you wanted to convert into shapes

Clear Texts
Clears texts on the selected shapes

Split Into Separate Shapes
Divides the texts into separate shapes per paragraph or bullet points

Compress Paragraph
Compresses the selected paragraphs or shapes into Multiple: 0.9pt

Reset Text Spacing
Resets the condensed/expanded texts

Apply Title Style to the Selected Slides
Copies the formatting of the Title from specific slide, and then apply to selected slides.
Content checker

Delete CC Notes
The offline version of the platform's Clean Up tool. Deletes all the CC notes from the Content Checker tool.
Tools overview - Design tools (2. view)

Align objects
The common alignment tools in PowerPoint

Align objects
Align objects along their edges.

Fill space
Stretch objects to fill the space in between

Stretch objects
Stretch the edge of all selected objects to the edge of last selected (reference) object.

Copy the size of the object
Copies the width/height of the reference object.

Textbox properties + Clear texts
Shortcut to textbox properties
Eraser tool is to clear texts
Textbox margins

Textbox margins
Shortcut to manage textbox margins
Reset Margin is to automatically set the usual margin we use
Remove Margin is to set 0 to all margins

Manage colors
Automatically changes colors of objects and texts
The can icon is to delete recent custom colors used
Updated on: 22/05/2024
Thank you!