Creative structures
In visual enhancement tasks creative effort is required and therefore slides structures and solutions should be more innovative than just plain boxes. Some clients prefer more creative slides than others but visual enhancement should be never very boring or easily misunderstood for brush up. Therefore always make sure that you understand the content of the slide and based on that use enhanced structure to support this message. For example, if the slide is describing 5 steps process let´s use some interesting process or steps structure instead of just boxes marked from number 1 to number 5 (see example below)
Your structures might have been too close to input slide
Lack of creative effort
Slide is looking as only brushed up
Boring looking or outdated structures that do not follow clients style and do not generally follow our visual enhancement standards
Understand the content of the slide so you can create good supporting structure
Use the inspiration feature at our SlideHub platform - there are many great structures that can be easily adjusted to clients style and guidelines. You only need to pick good structure that fits the slide you work on. It is that simple!
Go through clients inspiration file
Get inspired - there is plenty of inspiration out there. You can either research on your own at webpages such as Pinterest or see the Inspiration feature at our platform
If you are very unsure about some slide and what structure would fit the best consult it with your admin
What does it mean if you got this tag as feedback from an admin?
Your structures might have been too close to input slide
Lack of creative effort
Slide is looking as only brushed up
Boring looking or outdated structures that do not follow clients style and do not generally follow our visual enhancement standards
What can you do to become better?
Understand the content of the slide so you can create good supporting structure
Use the inspiration feature at our SlideHub platform - there are many great structures that can be easily adjusted to clients style and guidelines. You only need to pick good structure that fits the slide you work on. It is that simple!
Go through clients inspiration file
Get inspired - there is plenty of inspiration out there. You can either research on your own at webpages such as Pinterest or see the Inspiration feature at our platform
If you are very unsure about some slide and what structure would fit the best consult it with your admin
Watch following videos to learn more:
Updated on: 20/10/2023
Thank you!