Designer Rating Process
Admins rate designers for their work on projects. Each project is rated in 3 main areas - Deadline, Communication, Quality of work. The result of the project rating is average of these 3 separate ratings.

1. Deadline:
Admin assesses:
Time of submission of the final file: Specifically, if the designer submitted the file well before the deadline leaving sufficient time for adjustments. If the deadline is not met, admin lowers rating based on how serious the delay was and how much of admin’s time was wasted.
Speed: Designer´s speed might directly affect the ability to deliver files on time. So, if slow speed results in the need to split the task for an additional designer or risks meeting the deadline this might impact rating in this area.
2. Communication:
Admin evaluates designer’s communication in the following areas:
Designer´s availability: Availability to respond timely and keep admin informed about taking breaks or emergencies.
Quality of messages: Communicating with admin in a clear and efficient manner, asking good questions, not asking questions that are already responded in the task description or other materials.
Updates (including WIPs): Timely updates on the progress of the task, reporting potential time delays, identified issues or help needed, providing WIP files to show the progress and confirm working in correct direction.
Work attitude and professionalism: Solving challenges with a helpful problem-solving mindset and communicating politely.
3. Quality of work:
Admin evaluates the quality of work in the following areas:
Preparation for the task: Careful studying of task description, instructions and client’s files.
Ability to follow admins instructions: Correct understanding and implementation of admins comments and edits.
WIP files: Quality of Work in Progress file(s). Assuring a good quality of work from the start and from own initiative. A lowered rating should be expected if the admin needed to provide many comments to correct basic guidelines and design principles.
Final submission: Quality of the final file(s). At this stage it is expected that files were properly re-checked by designer in great detail in the following areas: guidelines, instructions, consistency, designing principles (alignment, spacing, …), content.
Rating example
Designer was evaluated in the 3 main areas as follows:
Deadline: 10
Communication: 7
Quality of work: 9
The result of the project rating is average of these 3 numbers: (10+7+9)/3= 8.7
Please note your overall Designer Rating is based on the average of your last 50 project ratings.
Feedback tags
Admins select positive and improvement tags that inform you about which areas you did well at and in which areas you need to improve.
All improvement tags are linked to articles that explain the topic and guide you through how to improve in this specific area. Never skip checking the articles! Articles often contain also training video recorded by us. The best designers always work on improving these areas and so they also eliminate their improvement tags in future projects.

You can also study the feedback tags articles in your free time via this link.
Admin's feedback message
Our admins are generally very busy and so they do not write feedback message for all the projects they rate. In those cases they still select the feedback tags that capture their feedback for your project. Yet in cases where they feel designer would benefit from more personalized feedback they write their own explanation of rating and provide personal comments on your project performance. When you see that admin wrote a feedback message it is very important that you read this carefully so you learn all you can from this personalized feedback provided by the admin.
"Lorem Ipsum" file
Additionally, you can usually download the “Lorem Ipsum” file in the rating section.
"Lorem Ipsum" file is a file that our admins sent to client as final delivery. You can compare this file to the file you have delivered to see what additional edits admins did to your slides. Comparing these files is one of the best ways how to improve your work. "Lorem Ipsum" file does not contain any client’s content anymore due to confidential reasons and all the text was replaced be “Xxxxx” but you can still see alignments, colours settings and other edits admins performed.
You must remove all the client's files from your computer after each project is done but we are okay with it if you keep them until the "Lorem Ipsum" file is available so you can compare this file to your file for the maximum learning. After you compared your files you must delete the files permanently from your device!

How designers receive project rating?
After admin evaluates your project you will receive an email and as well you can see your rating in the platform view:

If you do not agree with your rating or you do not understand some of the provided feedback feel free to reach out to us at and we will clarify the rating and feedback with our admins or review the situation to ensure that the rating is fair.
Please watch the following video to understand how does the Rating Process work and how Admins rate the Designers.
Updated on: 24/02/2023
Thank you!