Understanding clients´ instructions
There are many different types of clients´ instructions. Some are very clear and straightforward and other might need more focus to understand them correctly. Important is that you always make sure that you fully understand and that you do not overlook any.
In the task description
General instruction at first slide
Sticker instructions in individual slides
PowerPoint comments
Speakers notes
Separate instruction file
You didn´t follow clients´ instructions at all or partially
You might have missed some instruction/s
You have misunderstood the instruction and applied it in wrong way
Read the task description carefully
Check the file carefully and make sure you fully read all the instructions inside the file before you start to work
If you have any hesitation about the instructions or your understanding of them clarify with your admin
Different ways that you can find clients instructions:
In the task description
General instruction at first slide
Sticker instructions in individual slides
PowerPoint comments
Speakers notes
Separate instruction file
What does it mean if you got this tag as feedback from an admin?
You didn´t follow clients´ instructions at all or partially
You might have missed some instruction/s
You have misunderstood the instruction and applied it in wrong way
What can you do to become better?
Read the task description carefully
Check the file carefully and make sure you fully read all the instructions inside the file before you start to work
If you have any hesitation about the instructions or your understanding of them clarify with your admin
Updated on: 20/10/2023
Thank you!