Articles on: SlideHub platform

How to insert images and illustrations via SlideHub platform?

How to insert images and illustrations via SlideHub platform?

You can insert royalty-free images and illustrations into your presentations directly from our SlideHub Platform library.

Inserting images

Images in our platform are provided by Unsplash.
To insert images from the SlideHub Platform, first go to “Insert Images & Illustrations”.
Press Images via Unsplash
Type in the keyword for the image needed in the search bar
You can even include filters like colour and orientation to narrow your search results.
Select the image that fits best with what you're looking for and click on "Insert". The image will be automatically added to your presentation.

Inserting illustrations

Please note that you should only use illustrations if it is a part of the instructions or the client's guidelines specifically allow the use of illustrations. Otherwise stick to standard enhancement methods including enhanced structures, icons and images.
To insert images from the SlideHub Platform, first go to “Insert Images & Illustrations”.
Press Illustrations
Type in the keyword for the illustration needed in the search bar
You can select the illustration style. Press "Show all Categories" to see more options.
Select the illustration that fits best with what you're looking for and click on "Add". The illustration will be automatically added to your presentation.

Updated on: 22/11/2022

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