Articles on: Projects

Project allocation system on the platform

How does the platform allocation system work?

Our platform algorithm selects which designers may see available projects inside the platform. It is a quite complex system. The development team aimed to create a system fair to designers, admins and clients as well. We want designers to be able to work smoothly based on their designer career level, rating and other factors such as currently ongoing projects.

Considering designers´ career level:

If you are a brand-new designer the system helps you to get on smaller easier projects so you can have a smooth transition and learning experience on the platform. Once you get more experienced and promoted to higher designer levels you will be able to apply for a bigger variety of projects - small, medium, longer and more complex tasks.

Career levels at KnowMore Platform

Considering designers´ rating

The system rewards those who are performing well and earn good ratings. This way we make sure that if you are putting a lot of effort into your work on our platform you will have an increased chance of working on tasks compared to those with low ratings. This does not mean that lower-rated designers do not get a chance to work, but the number of available projects might be lower. This said it is important to remember that your average rating is not a fixed number. Your rating is based on your last 50 projects therefore you can always improve your rating but also the other way around.

Designer rating process

Considering currently ongoing projects and deadlines:

Since designers from Level 3 up and Talented designers can work on multiple projects our system tries to make sure that designers do not get multiple projects with similar or very tight deadlines that they would not be able to deliver. This serves as a safety net to make sure you do not bite off more than you can chew. It considers the sizes of your tasks and how long your deadlines are. If your deadlines are comfortable enough, you may work on multiple projects.

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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