Articles on: Projects

I can´t finish the project as fast as the estimated hours of work on the project. Why and what should I do?

I can´t finish the project as fast as the estimated hours of work on the project. Why and what should I do?

This situation happens to newly starting designers. If you are new it takes some time to get up to speed since designing the KnowMore´s way, clients´ guidelines and overall work on the platform are brand new to you. This initial time should be considered an investment in your career at KnowMore. Our hourly estimations are standardized and based on the average speed of our designers. Therefore, our more experienced designers finish tasks within the estimated time or earlier. We believe with practice and experience you will belong to them soon!

Tips and tricks on how to improve the speed:

Find out what sort of projects you are particularly slow in completing and gain competence in them
Install our PowerPoint Quick Access Bar
Consider using Keyboard shortcuts for PowerPoint
Use KnowMore internal resources we provide for our designers - if you learn to use them well, these are the game changer!!
Create for yourself an optimal computer setup for productive work
Practice on our Sandbox tasks
Submit early on WIPs to confirm with your admin if you are working correctly. Avoid working on many or all slides without any WIP as rework on many slides is costing a lot of time.
Read articles linked to the feedback tags you received in your rating. Just click on the rating tag to open the article.
Learn from your mistakes. Take feedback tags and admins´ comments from project ratings seriously and try to improve in the mentioned areas, especially if they are repeated feedback. If the majority of admins mark that you should work on your Alignments then investing some time into practicing outside the platform might be the right thing to do. Your reward will be fewer reworks and edits from admins which will lead to faster finalizing of projects.
Compare your file with the Lorem Ipsum file you receive in your rating. Lorem Ipsum file is a corrected file by the admin that delivered the project to the client. This file does not contain any content anymore due to security reasons but you can still see changes in alignments, spacing, structures, colors, etc...
Invest time in learning. We have many training videos that explain basics design principles, tips and tricks that even our admins use or videos that point out the basic mistakes to avoid. Visit our Practice page or our YouTube channel to learn more.
Familiarize yourself with various resources, learn to use efficient keywords to limit the time you spend searching
Limit external distractions to be able to focus and concentrate on the task at hand

Related link:

Updated on: 22/05/2024

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